Size 7 Inch x 8.5 Inch
Sign has mounting holes in each corner.
Round Corner
Sign Thickness is 0.023 of an inch
Sign letters color: Black
Sign background color: White
HPD required sign : Yes, for some buildings
UPC: 762952455757
Sign Group : HPD Signs, DSNY Signs, Collection Day Signs, Garbage/Trash Collection Signs, Recycling Day Signs, INstruction Signs, Garbage Collection Visit Signs, Collection Method Signs,
This is an aluminum “GARBAGE COLLECTION PLEASE TAKE OUT YOUR GARBAGE ON THE FOLLOWING DAYS" SIGN with 4 drill holes for installation.In NYC use/post sign to inform tenants/owner/officers of trash collection day timetable in single/multi unit facility
HMC § 27-2022 Post sign for garbage collection: If there is no 24 hour dumbwaiter service an owner must post a sign in the building lobby indicating the current hours and method of garbage collection. The sign should be enclosed in plastic or in a frame to prevent vandalism or tampering.
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Sec. [D26-14.05] 27-2022 Frequency of collection of waste matter from dwelling units in multiple dwellings
a. The owner of a multiple dwelling shall not allow the accumulation except in a lawful receptacle of ashes or any type of waste matter in any part of the premises.
b. In multiple dwellings where the owner provides dumbwaiter service, all waste matter shall be collected at least once daily and deposited in separate receptacles.
c. In multiple dwellings where no dumbwaiter service is provided, the owner shall provide between the hours of seven a.m. and ten a.m. or between five p.m. and eight p.m. daily:
(1) a sufficient number of receptacles but in no event less than two within the dwelling or other area approved by the department, which are accessible to the tenants. Such receptacles shall be removed promptly upon the expiration of the selected time period and taken to their place of storage; or
(2) a pick-up service at each dwelling unit to collect ashes and wastes for deposit in the receptacles referred to in section 27-2021 of this article. The owner shall post and maintain a notice in a conspicuous place in the dwelling informing the tenants of the hour and method of collection. A new notice shall be posted and maintained within 48 hours preceding any change in such hour or method.
d. The tenant of a multiple dwelling shall dispose of waste matter in accordance with the method provided by the owner under subdivision b or c of this section. The tenant shall not accumulate any waste matter in his or her dwelling unit so as to create a condition, which is unsanitary, or a fire hazard in the judgment of the department.
e. Subdivisions b, c and d of this section shall not apply to any multiple dwelling where regular incinerator services or other means of disposal approved by the department are provided. The tenant in such a dwelling shall dispose of waste matter in an incinerator or by such other approved means of disposal and shall not permit wastes to accumulate so as to create a condition which is unsanitary or a fire hazard in the judgment of the department.
Garbage collection notice. Display a tamper-proof sign with the current hours and method of garbage collection in the lobby. (Exception: Buildings with 24-hour dumbwaiter service are exempt.)
Sec. [D26-14.07] 27-2023 Collection of waste matter from dwelling units in one- and two-family dwellings
The owner and occupants of a one- or two-family dwelling shall provide for the regular collection of waste matter from dwelling units and its deposit in the receptacles required by section 27-2021 of this article, and shall not permit ashes or any type of waste matter to accumulate in any part of the premises so as to create a condition which is unsanitary or a fire hazard in the judgment of the department
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To see hpd required checklist click here
Customer "OMG I just bought a sign in an Hardware store and I failed an inspection. Why is that ? "
It has been brought to our attention that lots of hardware companies sales the old signs or signs that are not in compliant sign with HPD criteria.
Shipping and Handling Cost:
Our Shipping is fixed whether you buy 1 item or 20 items (We Ship within USA Only) - do not miss this opportunity to buy all signs needed at no additional shipping cost.
Sales Tax:
We are required to collect sales tax on any product sold on this site and shipped to an address in New York. The sales tax is 8.875 percent.
The requirements for sign content are determined by intended use and by applicable regulation. The BUYER is responsible for determining the appropriate content for a sign or package of signs. Firedepartmentsigns.nyc makes no warranty or representation of suitability of a sign for any specific application. IT IS THE CUSTOMER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THAT THE SIGNS THE CUSTOMER ORDERS ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL STATE, FEDERAL, LOCAL, AND MUNICIPAL LAWS. Please review terms and conditions prior to purchase.
For more information about what is required, see the laws that are referenced and the rules applicable to your city and state. This page is for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice or as a statement of law. You may wish to consult with an attorney.
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WE ARE THE OFFICIAL SITE FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUIRED SIGNS. FireDepartmentSigns will provide you with all FIRE DEPARTMENT required signs, NYC Building required signs, CALIFORNIA FIRE DEPARTMENT required signs, TEXAS FIRE DEPARTMENT required signs and all sprinkler required signs. We are the biggest building Management-signs provider in the world. We offer all signs made mandatory by the City and state building department as well as aluminum signs to install in buildings with proper HPD designation, HPD Signs, DSNY Signs, Collection Day Signs, Garbage/Trash Collection Signs, Recycling Day Signs, INstruction Signs, Garbage Collection Visit Signs, Collection Method Signs, and GARBAGE COLLECTION PLEASE TAKE OUT YOUR GARBAGE ON THE FOLLOWING DAYS SIGNs