Size 9 Inch x 10 Inch
Sign has mounting holes in each corner
Round Corner: YES
Sign Thickness : 0.04''
Sign Letters color: Green
Sign Background color: White/ Off white
Sign material: Aluminium
Sign Type: Wall Mounted
Signs Glow In the dark: Yes
Photoluminescent Sign: Yes
Emergency Sign: YES
High Intensity glow: Yes
Rust Free: Yes
HPD Required sign: NO (See Law and regulations)
DOB NYC Required sign: NO (See Law and regulations)
Fire Department required sign: YES (See Law and regulations)
REQUIRED SIGNS for RESTAURANTS & BARS - N/A (See Law and regulations)
DOT Required Sign: NO (See Law and regulations)
DSNY Required Sign: NO (See Law and regulations)
Sign Group: Exit signs, Emergency Signs, Photoluminescent signs, Glow in the dark Signs, Fire Department signs, Glow Signs, Photo luminescent Signs, Directional Signs and Local law signs
FDGL 09-08 8
This "Exit" photoluminescent sign is a type of glow in the dark sign designed so as to enhance the designation of emergency exits with Glow-in-the-Dark signs that serve as guidance signs and types of safety evacuation signage.
This high intensity aluminum sign that is 0.04'' thick is a kind of glowing sign with 1 hole in each corner. It is NOT a sign made of PVC often marketed as an example of heavy duty safety designation. It is a metal aluminum sign with round corners and has protective and glowing layers, aluminum sheet cover, luminous powder and acrylic resin.
Many states, cities and counties require the use of improved Glow in the dark Signage (photoluminescent signage). The New York City Department of Buildings enforces many Rules and regulations. For example the NYS requirements for improved safety designation via Local Law 26 of 2004, which includes provisions regarding the photoluminescent designating/glowing designation of exit paths in existing buildings. Each state, city and county has different laws, requirements and recommendations for photoluminescence signage type, installation rules, glow signs and emergency and building signage rules that owners need to follow.
Glowing exit signs support the photo luminescent safety evacuation directional guidance signage that eases the use of exits and/or exit passageways/evacuation routes in existing commercial and residential single and multi unit facilities. Appropriate signs with appropriate arrows indicating direction of travel shall be used to point to nearest doors, corridors and stairwell exits, especially when fastest egress direction is unclear.
Our Heavy duty photoluminescent signs provide a bright, long-lasting afterglow during a lights-out evacuation. Maximum charge is achieved in two hours with 2 foot-candles of bright white light. They are a type of Fire Department signs that are made of photoluminescent materials, which are washable and manufactured so as to meet or exceed many city, state and federal laws/requirements/recommendations for glow designation/photoluminescent designation.
Our photo-luminescent signage and glow in dark signs help mark the emergency path. Glow in the dark signage is an egress sign path marking system with visible and glow letters and images. Our NYC egress signs are photo luminescent safety signs and enhance glow-in-the-dark signage planning and glow evacuation signage in occupancies and corridors in multi unit buildings as the best solution for your business. All our egress signs (glow in dark signs) are in inventory and can be shipped quickly !! No production time...this is the quickest click and ship solution for your business
Key Search: Exit Signs, Glow-in-the-Dark signs, Glow signs, Photoluminescent signs, Local Law 26 sign, NYC Glow Signs, Emergency Exit signs, Emergency Direction signs, Emergency Directional Signs, Photo luminescent sign, Photo- luminescent signs, Building Glow in dark Signs, Building photoluminescent signs, Glow in dark signs, Exit Glow Signs, Exit direction signs, Glow-In-The-Dark signage, Picto image signs, Glow-In-The Dark Safety Guidance Signs
Shipping and Handling Cost:
Our Shipping is fixed whether you buy 1 item or 20 items (We ship within USA only) - do not miss this opportunity to buy all signs needed at no additional shipping cost.
Sales Tax:
We are required to collect sales tax on any product sold on this site and shipped to an address in New York. The sales tax is 8.875 percent.
The requirements for sign content are determined by intended use and by applicable regulation. The BUYER is responsible for determining the appropriate content for a sign or package of signs. Firedepartmentsigns.nyc makes no warranty or representation of suitability of a sign for any specific application. IT IS THE CUSTOMER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THAT THE SIGNS THE CUSTOMER ORDERS ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL STATE, FEDERAL, LOCAL, AND MUNICIPAL LAWS. Please review terms and conditions prior to purchase.
We provide both signs required by city and state regulation and Exit signs , Emergency Signs , Photoluminescent signs , Glow in the dark Signs , Fire Department signs , Glow Signs , Photo luminescent Signs , Directional Signs and Local law signs, as well as heavy duty aluminum PHOTOLUMINESCENT EXIT SIGNS WITH RIGHT UPWARDS ARROW AND RUNNING MAN
For more information about what is required, see the laws that are referenced and the rules applicable to your city and state. This page is for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice, professional advice or a statement of law. You may wish to consult with an attorney.
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WE ARE THE OFFICIAL SITE FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUIRED SIGNS. FireDepartmentSigns will provide you with all FIRE DEPARTMENT required signs, NYC Building required signs, CALIFORNIA FIRE DEPARTMENT required signs, TEXAS FIRE DEPARTMENT required signs and all sprinkler required signs. We are the biggest building Management-signs provider in the world. We offer all signs made mandatory by the City and state building department as well as aluminum signs to install in buildings with proper HPD designation, Exit Signs , Glow-in-the-Dark signs , Glow signs , Photoluminescent signs , Local Law 26 sign, NYC Glow Signs , Emergency Exit signs , Emergency Direction signs , Emergency Directional Signs , Photo luminescent sign , Photo- luminescent signs , Building Glow in dark Signs , Building photoluminescent signs , Glow in dark signs , Exit Glow Signs , Exit direction signs , Glow-In-The-Dark signage, Picto image signs , Glow-In-The Dark Safety Guidance Signs and heavy duty aluminum PHOTOLUMINESCENT EXIT SIGNS WITH UPWARDS RIGHT ARROW AND RUNNING MAN
This PHOTOLUMINESCENT EXIT SIGN WITH RIGHT UPWARDS ARROW AND RUNNING MAN is a type of glow in the dark sign WITH RIGHT UPWARD ARROW designed so as to enhance the present designation of emergency exits with Glow-in-the-Dark signs to install in multi unit facilities with guidance signs and other types of safety evacuation signage.